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3400 mount info

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  • 3400 mount info

    I have a 89 cavalier and am doing the 3400 swap, I am curently in a bit of a rush and don't have a lot of time to order things off the internet. I know who makes and sells the front engine mounts but is there any one that can tell me the dimensions of the mount it's self so I can fabricate one myself.

    Also where are you supposed get the vacuum supply for the EGR from? I have a 91 parts car and I could take the EGR off from that, but it is just electronic so would I have to run the computer from that car? Which computer will I be better off using in the long run? The 89 was originally an automatic, and I'm using the 5 speed out of the 91. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Paul
    Last edited by pbeck; 03-06-2008, 07:48 PM.

  • #2
    91 5 speed wiring harness, ecm and egr would be the best way to go


    • #3
      i have the jbodyperformance mount, i would go take measurements but i dont have any way to get the angles measured... its kinda a complex mount. if your in a hurry dont get the jbp mount, mine took at least a month to get

      there is a picture if it helps any
      88 Beretta CL- 13.641@102.76mph (rwd LS1/t56 conversion in progress)

      77 Celica GT- 3400/3500 swap in progress (engine from the beretta)

